Bắc Ninh, Viet Nam
Dự án Nhà máy điện mặt trời Xuân Thiện Ea Súp giai đoạn 1 có gần hai triệu tấm pin mặt trời, công suất 600 MWac/831 MWp, trạm biến áp 500 kV/1.200 MVA và 22,2 km đường dây 500kV, với tổng mức đầu tư gần 20.000 tỷ đồng, điện lượng 1,5 tỷ kWh/năm. Theo chủ đầu tư, với công suất hiện có, đây là nhà máy điện mặt trời lớn nhất Đông-Nam Á.
Với công suất 2x600MVA, trạm biến áp này phục vụ đấu nối, giải tỏa công suất cho 600MWac giai đoạn 1 và sẵn sàng phục vụ cho một phần công suất khoảng 600/1.400MW của giai đoạn 2 dự án.
Hạng mục: Cột Pootich và Trụ đỡ thiết bị
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020
Vietnam's fourth and largest Wind farm ever built in Vietnam, using most state-of the-art turbines and systems by GE
Total investment: 0.56 billion USD engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning contract.
Total capacity: 280 MW
Client: HBRE
Location: Ea H’leo, Dak Lak, Viet Nam
Start date: 2017
Completion date: 2020