Ngai Cau Mechanical – Summary meeting with company employees
In order to improve professional skills for staff, Ngai Cau Building and Commercial Investment Joint Stock Company always organizes summary meetings to award outstanding individuals and organize professional skills training. subjects for employees.
Attending and sharing the training sessions was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Chu Hoang Tung – the captain who brought the ship Ngai Cau from a small mechanical workshop to a 25,000m2 factory today.
Chairman Chu Hoang Tung shared with the company’s employees
Review meetings or organize professional skills training to help employees understand the importance as well as create motivation to help employees perfect highly practical knowledge skills. Everyone has their own lessons. Useful learning, learning communication skills. At this sharing session, leaders and employees discussed the risks and challenges of the work they do every day. Leaders and all employees will share experiences and make recommendations to ensure safety at work.
In addition, employees can also be aware of their roles and tasks in common work to apply in daily practice, all for the goal of bringing satisfaction to customers and bringing the Ngai Cau brand to life. Become more familiar and closer to domestic and international customer partners.
With a serious spirit, closely following reality, summary and exchange meetings are the time for employees to discuss and contribute opinions on issues related to the topic of the sharing session. These are very useful and interesting courses for employees. Therefore, training professional skills for employees is always Ngai Cau’s top priority policy and receives special attention from the Board of Directors.
Some pictures from the summary meeting of Ngai Cau company:
The company president gives gifts to outstanding individuals
Employees interact in meetings
The Board of Directors shares the results of the week’s work with employees